The Roll of Honour is located in Burniston Village Hall.
It is at the back, above the inner doors, so you may not notice it until you are leaving.
Names commemorated are:
White W
Gordon A (Lt) killed in action
Gordon A
Hughes J W
Scott W
Beadell M
Vollum L
Cowling F W
Marshall J H
Sollit G
Jackson E (L/Cpl) killed in action
Scott J
Cockerill W A
Nellist T
Kneeshaw A
Bell E
Nevell A
Gordon S
Byers R (Pte) killed in action
Pearson E
Chew H
Sanderson L (Pte) killed in action
Lazenby E
Horsley E
Broadbent A
Bell C
Stephens R W
Scott A
Leadill A
Jackson P
Ward W E
Ward R H
Collier A
Tidd H
Lazenby H
Coultas T
Lee C E
Pearson J
Linskill W
Nellist W
Lee W H
Douglas J
Bennett A
Cockerill G A
Lee J H
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